The little extra..


About GDPR


Which personal data are being collected

In connection with purchase of services and products at Salsabine by Sabine Dybro Boesen (this does NOT include attendance at Salsabine Socials) the customer informs about:

First and last name, e-mail address, address, phone number and gender.

Obtionally the custumer can choose to inform about company name, CPR number and age – and other information or pictures as the custumer chooses by themselves to share upon enrollment.

As a business partner/employee the person also informs about bank account number for payment of wages/payment of invoice.

All class lists of students are being kept in the back-end of the website/on printed class lists in a file and are being schredded after a period of max 5 years. E-mail correspondances are being deleted after max 5 years

Salsabine by Sabine Dybro Boesen only collects customer and personal data which are absolute neccesary in order to service our costumers or companies/people/associations who we have been in contact with, through communication, offers, sale, collaboration, billing, accounting and statistics.

Disclosure of information

Customer and personal data may be disclosed to third parties if in the case of an agreement where the processor must proccess data on behalf of Salsabine by Sabine Dybro Boesen The customer can get corrected or deleted personal data if the content is incorrect.

Data retention

Communication and customer service is through the online booking system on the website, through e-mail, text message/phone and Facebook messages in private inboxes (through Messenger and our Facebook page’s inbox). All access to correspondance and our computer is protected with passwords. On the phone it’s with code. Our billing system is Dinero which also is protected by password.

The information recorded in accordance to the Personal Data Regulation:

The right to inside into what information is proceeded about the registrered person and a copy can be provided of the personal data which are being processed.
The right into getting incorrect information corrected.
The right into being forgotten (including deleting of information).
The right into data portability, which means getting information transferred to the new supllier
The right into restriction (“blocking”) of personal data, f.ex. by objection to the treatment.
The right into objecting against the treatment itself.
The right into objecting against automatic individual decisions and profiles.
The right into withdrawel of consent.
The right into lodging a complaint against the treatment to the data oversight.


Read more about Facebook and their processing of data at

Do I as a costumer have to do anything?

As a customer or partner you don’t need to do anything in the context of stricter EU rules. We simply have to state the above so that the EU law is complied, at that you as a customer are informed about your rights in relation to personal data.

Read more about the EU peronsal data regulation here: